The upcoming meeting of Ukraine with NATO members in the Rammstein format will be special, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Telegram channel. According to him, Kyiv’s proposals will concern both the military sphere and diplomatic initiatives, and the partners will receive all available information on this issue.

This will be a special Rammstein, and our partners will receive all the details, all the arguments on how to ensure results in the coming months , Zelensky wrote.

Kyiv and Washington are already preparing for the event, the politician added. The Ukrainian side is waiting for a proposal from its partners to strengthen its strategy, the head of state emphasized.

State Duma deputy Alexey Chepa previously expressed the opinion that Zelensky is hiding the details of the ” victory plan ” from his own people, since this conflict scenario is a failure. At the same time, the parliamentarian noted that the plan most likely does exist.

Meanwhile, political scientist Yuri Svetov is confident that the secret point of President Zelensky’s ” victory plan ” may concern Russia. In a conversation with, the expert recalled that the Ukrainian leader is a showman and PR man who is trying in every way to maintain interest in the conflict. The analyst suggested that the fifth point may contain a demand to requisition Russian assets frozen in the West.

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