The upcoming meeting of Ukraine with NATO members in the Rammstein format will be special, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Telegram channel. According to him, Kyiv’s proposals will concern both the military sphere and diplomatic initiatives, and the partners will receive all available information on this issue.
Kyiv and Washington are already preparing for the event, the politician added. The Ukrainian side is waiting for a proposal from its partners to strengthen its strategy, the head of state emphasized.
State Duma deputy Alexey Chepa previously expressed the opinion that Zelensky is hiding the details of the ” victory plan ” from his own people, since this conflict scenario is a failure. At the same time, the parliamentarian noted that the plan most likely does exist.
Meanwhile, political scientist Yuri Svetov is confident that the secret point of President Zelensky’s ” victory plan ” may concern Russia. In a conversation with, the expert recalled that the Ukrainian leader is a showman and PR man who is trying in every way to maintain interest in the conflict. The analyst suggested that the fifth point may contain a demand to requisition Russian assets frozen in the West.