Actress Nastasya Samburskaya has not married, as reported by a number of media outlets, which she wrote in the comments of the Telegram channel “Bloknot”. The celebrity urged users to follow the news more closely. She also had to justify her marriage to actor Kirill Dytsevich.

“They’re lying ,” Samburskaya wrote in response to the publication about her supposed marriage.

The actress continued to respond to the channel subscribers’ comments. One of them gloated over the news of her marriage, and in response to Samburskaya’s bewilderment, he recalled her inconstancy and short-lived marriage to Dytsevich. Samburskaya was indignant and asked whether she should have “fought for her husband” who was physically abusive.

The Telegram channel had previously published a post about the honeymoon that the Univer star had allegedly gone on. Producer Dmitry Shcherbanov stated that 37-year-old Samburskaya had secretly gotten married.

Earlier it became known that the singer Ani Lorak is getting married to the Spaniard Isaac Vidjraku. The man proposed to the artist on her birthday, and for her 46th birthday she received an additional gift. It turned out that Vidjraku sold jewelry in the past and worked in hotels, advertising his own products.

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