According to a message from the Telegram channel “Durova’s Code”, digital gifts have appeared in the beta version of the popular Telegram messenger. These gifts resemble animated stickers and include a variety of gifs, such as a firecracker, a festive crocodile with whistles, a crying duckling, a clown, a big heart, an orangutan at work, and others.
The recipient and sender will be able to see the date the gift was sent, information about who it was sent from and to, and a message. Some gifts may be limited edition, for example, the number of crocodiles with whistles was limited to 1000 pieces.
Gifts will be available for purchase for internal Telegram “stars” at a price of 25 to 2000. One “star” costs about 1.9 rubles. Users will also get a special section with gifts, where they can not only be stored, but also exchanged back for “stars” to access paid channel content or purchase Toncoin with a 15% commission.
Let us recall that the internal currency was added to the messenger in June of this year. With its help, users of the application can pay for digital goods and services in the Telegram ecosystem.
Earlier it became clear that Discord could be blocked in Russia in the near future.