Telegram administration still does not moderate private user chats, as follows from the updated frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on the messenger’s website. Information on this matter has been moved to another section.
Previously, the information that all chats in Telegram private and the messenger administration does not process requests related to them was under question about the removal of illegal content. Now it has been moved to answer the question about copyright infringement.
All Telegram chats and group chats are private to their members. We do not process requests related to them. But sticker packs, channels and bots in Telegram are publicly available , – the messenger’s website says.
Earlier, it was reported that Telegram had updated, allowing users to file complaints about illegal content in private groups. It was noted that this happened after the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France.
Earlier, Durov spoke about helping the French authorities after he was detained in Paris. He admitted that he responded to a request from the French secret services and created a hotline to combat the threat of terrorism in the Fifth Republic.
Before this, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum that only once. According to the politician, this happened in Moscow many years ago, when Durov was talking about plans for business development.