State Duma deputy Shamsail Saraliev commented on the situation with the removal of the mobile application “Radar.NF” from  Google Play, calling the actions of Google Corporation hostile to Russia. The words of the legislator are reported by the publication “Chechnya Segodnya”.

Saraliev emphasized that Google, by violating its rules and adhering to a pro-Western position, is an enemy of Russia. He also noted that the removal of the application caused jubilation in Ukrainian publics, which only confirms his words.

The deputy expressed concern about the increasing number of cases of Russian applications being removed and called for a transition to the domestic Android application store RuStore, where all services excluded from Google Play are presented, including Radar.NF. This will ensure the safety and independence of Russian developers from foreign corporations, he believes.

Saraliev emphasized that such actions by Google undermine trust in American technology companies and demonstrate their political bias. He called on the Russian authorities and business community to take active steps to protect the interests of Russian developers and users.

Previously, Company X accidentally transferred $5 million to the wrong bank account.

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