The daughter of actress Maria Shukshina showed her firstborn. Fitness instructor Anna Shukshina shared a rare photo with her grown-up son in her personal blog.

“My big boyfriend,” the athlete wrote.

The celebrity’s daughter became a mother for the first time in 2014. Shukshina Jr. named her boy Vyacheslav. She noted that she was raising the child alone.

Anna works as a fitness trainer. She admitted to TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva that she earns 30 thousand rubles a month, and a personal lesson with her costs from 1500 to 2500 rubles per hour. The athlete rents out her spacious apartment with good repairs in Krasnogorsk for 55 thousand rubles and rents another one for 30 thousand rubles. Shukshina lives and raises her son on the difference in rent and her coaching salary.

The woman became interested in bodybuilding several years ago. She said that neither her mother nor her grandmother, actress Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina , understood why she “pumped up”. But Anna had long dreamed of such a shape, so she did not retreat from her goal and stopped trying to prove anything to her relatives.

Earlier, Maria Shukshina’s daughter was offended by her mother, who called her a transvestite.

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