Restrictions on flights over the territories of Israel, Iraq and Iran will be in effect until November 3, all changes in the recommendations will be reported promptly, Rosaviatsiya representative Artem Korenyako said on the Telegram channel. As part of the new measures, Russian operators are recommended to operate flights only at certain hours.

The NOTAM issued by Rosaviatsia yesterday (October 2 — remains in effect until 02:59 Moscow time on November 3, 2024. In the event of changes in the recommendations for operating flights in the airspace of Israel, Iran and Iraq, the agency will inform about them , the statement said .

Operators are also urged to exercise extreme caution and vigilance when operating in the airspace of these countries. If necessary, they should choose alternative routes approved by local authorities and NOTAMs.

Earlier it became known that on October 2, six Russian airlines at once cancelled or postponed flights to Middle Eastern countries in connection with special recommendations of the Federal Air Transport Agency after analyzing the situation in the region. It is noted that the changes affected the flights of Aeroflot, S7 Airlines, Red Wings, Rossiya, Ural Airlines, and Pobeda.

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