A young man from Greater Sudbury, Canada, has died after being bitten by a bat infected with rabies, Metro reports. It is the first case of rabies in Ontario since 1967.
Earlier, biologist and professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (USA) Ancha Baranova said that Moscow region bats can infect a person with rabies when they bite . The biologist noted that such cases are extremely rare, but they do happen. For example, five years ago, Baranova’s friend was bitten by a bat. After that, the victim had to undergo a course of preventive rabies injections.
Before this, Zarema Ten, a therapist at the Vidnovskaya Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Region Ministry of Health, said that a domestic cat, even if it does not go outside, must be vaccinated. Otherwise, they can infect their owners with rabies, chlamydia , salmonella or ringworm.