A young man from Greater Sudbury, Canada, has died after being bitten by a bat infected with rabies, Metro reports. It is the first case of rabies in Ontario since 1967.

According to the publication, the boy woke up at night and saw a bat in his bedroom. He told his parents about it, but they did not find any wounds on the child’s body that would indicate a bite. Soon the boy began to feel worse and was taken to the hospital. Doctors were unable to save the child – he died of rabies.

Earlier, biologist and professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (USA) Ancha Baranova said that Moscow region bats can infect a person with rabies when they bite . The biologist noted that such cases are extremely rare, but they do happen. For example, five years ago, Baranova’s friend was bitten by a bat. After that, the victim had to undergo a course of preventive rabies injections.

Before this, Zarema Ten, a therapist at the Vidnovskaya Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Region Ministry of Health, said that a domestic cat, even if it does not go outside, must be vaccinated. Otherwise, they can infect their owners with rabies, chlamydia , salmonella or ringworm.

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