The Telegram channel Mash reported that the leader of the H-Band group and former favorite of the singer Alla Pugacheva, Sergey Chelobanov, owes the tax authorities 430 thousand rubles. According to the channel, the artist lives “quietly and unnoticed”, but in February 2025 he plans to return to the stage. The publication specifies that Chelobanov himself does not know about his debts.

Mash that the singer collaborated with Pugacheva in the 90s. According to the channel, they began an affair at the same time, and in 2004 the artist shot the video “You Remember”, which he dedicated to the Prima Donna. The publication specifies that Chelobanov has long since crossed Pugacheva out of his life.

Earlier, Mash reported that Russian actor had been sued for waste removal debts. According to the channel, the artist failed to keep an eye on his two apartments on Shmitovsky Proezd in Moscow and had not paid his bills to the capital’s management company for four months, owing 6,599 rubles.

Blogger Sasha Mitroshina, the author of courses on earning money by running social networks, meanwhile announced that she had paid off to the tax office. The girl admitted that she currently has no reserves or savings, so she is starting her financial life “from scratch.” Before this, Mash reported that the Federal Tax Service  , which were closed in June due to a debt of 96 million rubles.

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