The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to protect American Abrams with Soviet dynamic protection (DZ), military correspondent Alexander Kots writes in his Telegram channel. He provides enemy footage showing how the armored vehicle was equipped with a “barbecue” and covered on all sides with Kontakt-1 DZ blocks. According to him, the enemy did not choose the tank’s mobility.
The military correspondent clarifies that “homemade solutions do not always save the Abrams.” At the end of September, it was reported that Ukraine had already lost 11 M1A1 tanks out of 31 delivered.
Earlier, the editor of the magazine “Arsenal of the Fatherland” Alexey Leonkov told that the American tank M1 Abrams was created for low-intensity colonial wars, and the Russian T-90 – for global military conflicts. Comparing the technical characteristics of the two combat vehicles, he noted that the Abrams has exhausted its resource potential and is not subject to modernization , unlike the T-90.
On Sunday, October 6, on the right bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson direction, armored vehicles of NATO countries transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine were noticed . As a reconnaissance officer from the Dnieper group of forces with the call sign Pukh reported, Russian soldiers noticed mortars and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.