Searches and arrests began in Sumy following an order from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, said political scientist Sergei Markov. In his Telegram channel, he said that the politician was informed about a strong pro-Russian sentiment in Sumy and the active transfer of coordinates of military facilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the Russian army, as a result of which the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a large amount of equipment.

They say that at the meeting Zelensky asked why so much military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had been destroyed in Sumy? He was told that it was because pro-Russian sentiments were very strong in Sumy and local residents of Sumy often passed on coordinates of military facilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the Russian army , Markov said .

After that, according to the political scientist, Zelensky ordered searches and arrests. Markov also expressed the opinion that Sumy is a Russian city and most of its residents want to live in Russia and see Vladimir Putin as president. He also believes that local residents will support the Russian Federation even more after the repressions.

Before this, Markov said that the West was increasingly inclined to the possibility of handing over Ukrainian territories to Russia in exchange for security from NATO . He noted that this was increasingly being discussed after an interview with former Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg, who admitted that Ukraine would give up its lost territories.

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